"Charles Dawson, a British lawyer and amateur geologist, announced in 1912 his discovery of pieces of a human skull and an apelike jaw in a gravel pit near the town of Piltdown, England . . . Dawson's announcement stopped the scorn cold. Experts instantly declared Piltdown Man (estimated to be 300,000 to one million years old), the evolutionary find of the century. Darwin's missing link had been identified.
"Or so it seemed for the next 40 or so years. Then, in the early fifties& scientists began to suspect misattribution.
"In 1953, that suspicion gave way to a full-blown scandal: Piltdown Man was a hoax. Radiocarbon tests proved that its skull belonged to a 600-year-old woman, and its jaw to a 500-year-old orangutan from the East Indies." Our Times. the Illustrated History of the 20th Century (Turner Publishing, 1995, page 94).
Science Fiction
The Piltdown Man fraud wasn't an isolated incident. Did you know that the famed "Nebraska Man" was built from one tooth, which was later found to be the tooth of an extinct pig? Did you also know that "Java Man" was found in the early 20th Century and was nothing more than a piece of skull, a fragment of a thigh bone and three molar teeth? The rest came from the deeply fertile imaginations of plaster of Paris workers. "Heidelberg Man" came from a jawbone, a large chin section and a few teeth. Most scientists reject the jawbone because it's similar to that of modern man. Still many evolutionists believe that he's 250,000 years old. No doubt they pinpointed his birthday with good old carbon dating. Now there's reliable proof. Not according to Time magazine (June 11, 1990). They published an article in the science section that was subtitled, "Geologists show that carbon dating can be way off." Don't look to "Neanderthal Man" for any evidence of evolution. He died of exposure. His skull was exposed as being human, not ape.
How to Make \\$250,000
But, you say, there is other convincing evidence proving that evolution is true. Dr. Kent Hovind, an authority on evolution has had a long-standing offer. He will give \\$250,000 "to anyone who can offer any scientific proof for evolution." See if you can find some (you would be better putting your energies into trying to prove that water isn't wet). You can find Dr. Hovind's offer at: http://www.drdino.com
Faith the Facts
You can't prove evolution. It is something you have to accept by "faith." You have believed what you have heard. You have seen and had faith in evolutionary drawings of reversed osteoporosis.
Charles Darwin (the founding father of the faith) said: "I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion out of them!" They still do. Their language is language of faith. They use words like "believe, surmise, suspect, assume; perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly..." Evolution can only be accepted on blind faith& because it cannot be proven.
On the other hand, you can prove God's existence. A building is proof that there was a builder. A painting is absolute proof that there was a painter. You don't need to see him to believe he exists. His painting is all the evidence you need. It wouldn't be there if he didn't exist. Creation proves absolutely that there is a Creator. There wouldn't be a creation if there wasn't a Creator. A child can understand that.
You can also prove that the Bible is God's supernatural revelation to man. All you have to do is study the irrefutable evidence of Bible prophecy (see Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2 Timothy 3, Ezekiel 38-40, Joel 2, etc.). "But& " you say, "What about all the mistakes in the Bible?" There aren't any. It's all God-inspired. I've been reading it every day for more than two decades, and I haven't found even one so-called "mistake."
Who Made God?
God (like space) has neither beginning nor end. He created time and subjected man to it, and because we are subject to time, logic demands that everything must have a beginning and an end. However, God dwells outside of time, in "eternity." Again, you can prove this for yourself by studying Bible prophecy, and seeing how God knows the beginning of time from the end.
Human Suffering Proves There's No God
suffering actually does the opposite. It certifies that the Bible is true. Scripture says that if a nation obeys God, it will have long life, health and prosperity. When a nation is given to lawlessness. violence, sexual immorality, etc., God removes His blessings so that it will seek Him. Abraham Lincoln knew and proclaimed this. Check out Deuteronomy chapter 28 and you will see why the U.S. has so much cancer and so many natural disasters.
Proof That the Bible is False
Dogs don't have kittens, cows don't have lambs, and pregnant pigs don't give birth to rabbits. Birds produce birds. Fish produce fish. Each species brings forth after its own kind. That's no theory. That's a fact. Why then should we believe that man comes from another species? If evolution is true, then it is proof that the Bible is false, because the Scriptures say that each animal brings forth after its own kind. The whole of creation stands in contradiction to the theory-tale of evolution.
The "Big Bang" Disproves the Bible
Try and think of any explosion that has produced order. Does a terrorist bomb create harmony? Big bangs cause chaos. How could a big bang produce a rose, apple trees, fish, sunsets, the seasons, humming birds, polar bears. thousands of birds and animals, each with its own eyes, nose and mouth?
Here's an interesting experiment: Empty your garage of every piece of metal, wood, paint, rubber and plastic. Make sure there is nothing there. Then wait for ten years and see if a Mercedes evolves. I'm serious. Try it. If it doesn't appear, leave it for 20 years. If that doesn't work, try it for 100 years. Then try leaving it for 10,000 years.
Here's what will produce the necessary blind faith to make the evolutionary process believable: Leave it for 250 million years. Cerebellum liposuction.
Evolution of the Sexes
Notice that almost all forms of complex life have both male and female. horses, cats, dogs, humans, moths, monkeys, fish, elephants, etc. The male needs the female to reproduce, and female needs the male to reproduce. One cannot carry on life without the other. Which then came first according to the evolutionary theory? If the males came before the females, how did the males of each species appear without the females? If you believe that perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly, male and female evolved over a long period of time, what then made evolution change its initial plan and require the necessity of male and female?
Would you remotely consider the possibility that the Bible is right when it says, "Male and female created He them"? Why do you prefer to choose to believe a ridiculous theory than believe the truth with so much evidence around you? Is it because the Bible has moral dictates you disagree with?
One Last Problem
If the Bible is God's Word, you have a big problem. It maintains that God has set aside a Day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. The standard with which he will judge you is the Ten Commandments. Let's see if you have broken any of them: 1. Is God first in your life? Do you love Him with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength? 2. Have you made a god in your own image, to suit yourself? 3. Have you ever used God's holy name in vain, substituting it for a four-lettered filth word to express disgust? 4. Have you kept the Sabbath holy? 5. Have you always honored your parents implicitly? 6. Have you hated anyone? Then the Bible says you are a murderer. 7. Have you had sex before marriage? Then you are a fornicator and cannot enter Heaven. Have you lusted after another person? The Bible warns that you have committed adultery in your heart. 8. Have you ever stolen something (irrespective of its value)? Then you are a thief. 9. If you have told just one lie (even if you call it "white"), you are a liar, and cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Finally, have you ever desired something that belonged to someone else? Then you have broken the Tenth Commandment that says You shall not covet. On Judgment Day we will be found guilty, and end up in Hell forever.
Each of us stand guilty of breaking God's Law, but because Jesus paid our fine on the Cross 2,000 years ago, God will forgive us on the grounds of His suffering death. "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Don't let evolutionists make a monkey out of you. You are of great value to God. Through the Cross, He revealed His great love for us. Then He raised Him from the dead, and defeated death. If you repent, and trust in the Savior, God will grant you everlasting life. Today, confess your sins to God, put your faith in Jesus Christ, then read the Bible daily and obey what you read. God will never let you down.